A simple, worshipful song of Love to our Maker. I especially love the words in the second verse... the cry of our hearts really does need to be letting our lives speak of how great our God is. It is so beautiful. I want my life to have that beauty of truly reflecting my God and His Love. This could be my life song. I want to live to worship Him. With all my heart, and for all my days.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
"live to worship"...
A simple, worshipful song of Love to our Maker. I especially love the words in the second verse... the cry of our hearts really does need to be letting our lives speak of how great our God is. It is so beautiful. I want my life to have that beauty of truly reflecting my God and His Love. This could be my life song. I want to live to worship Him. With all my heart, and for all my days.
Friday, October 27, 2006
just a spoon full of sugar...
So in watching Mary Poppins, I began to think about the message of the movie. It has such a strong family message. Mary Poppins comes to make the Banks family a real family... to bond them together.
And she makes everything fun. Now, I know life is not about having fun. But at the same time, the point is not to make everything dull and lifeless. My point of view on it is basically the same as Mary Poppins' view... she never actually comes right out and says it, but if you listen to the words as she sings or speaks... it is there just the same. There is always something to be thankful for. There is always something to smile at. There is always something to be glad about. When Mary Poppins comes to the Banks' home to be the children's nanny, she brought with her a joyful smile. She taught the kids how to make an everyday chore something fun. "In every task that must be done, there is an element of fun..." If we choose to look and find that fun, then we'll find it. But if we just sit there and complain, then we're missing out on so much. "Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down..."
When we look for something to be glad about or thankful for, we will find it. Watch "Pollyanna"... she's the same way. :) Paul says in Philippians to rejoice in the Lord always. (Philippians 4:4) He says to think about the beautiful things. The things that are true and noble and right. Think lovely thoughts... (Philippians 4:8) When we focus on the good, we will find something to be thankful for. Finding our joy in God, where it truly is, is the only way we can really be joyful. Let God's joy be your strength. (Nehemiah 8:10)
You know... as I sat there watching "Mary Poppins" the other night, my family was gone. They went camping in Indiana, but I had some major biology homework to finish up, and I had the beginnings of a cold. So I stayed home. I worked on my biology all day Saturday. It is so easy to complain about that. But hey, I got a 94% on my test, and 100% on the rest of last week's homework! So I finished my biology... I watched "Mary Poppins" -- by myself. Who likes to watch movies by themself?? Honestly, I really don't. But it was a nice little spoon full of sugar after a day full of biology. I can't complain. I am so blessed. I enjoyed my movie... even by myself. I got out some cheez-its and milk, and sat and watched my movie.
Be glad. Make your life fun. Don't make it revolve around fun, but just have some fun with the everyday chores and tasks that you have to do. Be joyful. Rejoice in the Lord... always. There is something to be glad about. Always.
And there is always, always, always something to be thankful for.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
something to give...

"an image flashed across my tv screen
another broken heart comes in to view
i saw the pain and i turned my back
why can't i do the things i want to?
i'm willing yet i'm so afraid
You give me strength
when i say
i want to be Your hands
i want to be Your feet
i'll go where You send me
i'll go where You send me
and i try, yeah i try
to touch the world like You touched my life
and i find my way
to be Your hands
i've abandoned every selfish thought
i've surrendered every thing i've got
You can have everything i am
and perfect everything i'm not
i'm willing, i'm not afraid
You give me strength when i say
this is the last time
i turned my back on You
from now on, i'll go so
send me where You want me to
i finally have a mission
i promise i'll complete
i don't need excuses
when i am You hands and feet"
~ "hands & feet"... audio adrenaline
The little boy in the picture is Nayrobi. He is in preschool at Josue 1:8, the school in Los Brasiles. This is the community where we spent most of our time during our stay in Nicaragua this past June. I am sponsoring Nayrobi through NRN (Nicaragua Resource Network), which is the group we went down there with.
I am so excited for the privilege to sponsor Nayrobi. See... I have been so blessed by God. No, I don't have a lot of money. But I have a home. I have a family, I have friends, I have a church, I am in school, and I have a job. I have food to eat every day and I do not have to wonder where my next meal is going to come from.
Have you ever heard of Rob Bell? Check out this little clip of one of his videos here... We watch his dvds in Sunday school sometimes, and with each one I see, I am struck again with the simplicity yet truthfulness of the message of them. They are so relevant to life; this guy shares some crucial truths that sometimes we overlook and take for granted.
How often do we really think about our food being a gift from God? Or how about our home? How easy is it to take for granted that we have clean water? So many people do not even have clean water to drink. In Nicaragua, we had to drink bottled water instead of getting it from the faucets. How often have you stepped into a cold shower and complained that you really want a warm shower?... Yet, how many people in this world have no shower? No toilet? How easy is it to complain about cleaning the bathroom??
Mr. Bell, in his video "Rich," comments on the bumper stickers saying "God bless America"... He says God has blessed America. He as so, so blessed us as Americans. And yet we look at commercials or at our neighbors or friends and see something they have that we don't have, and we begin to think that our stuff is not enough. Contentment is so important, so crucial. We cannot go about our lives wanting everything we see. Pastor Steve said this morning that biblical giving is sacrificial. We have to give up something. It is generous, not skimpy. Biblical giving sees a need and does not think twice about giving to fulfill that need.
I am sponsoring Nayrobi because I have something to give. So maybe it means I won't get the latest Newsboys cd the day it releases. But it means that this adorable little boy has clothes for school. He has good food and water. I have seen the homes in Los Brasiles firsthand... I have personally walked through them, and I can tell you that these people live in homes that consist of maybe a small bedroom and that is it. They have a hook on the wall where they can hang their couple of outfits. They don't have any television or dvd player... and even if they did, they don't have any electricity to make it work. They cook outside, and whatever food they have, they have to go and buy it daily. They don't have any refrigerator to keep it cold. When you go and walk through these homes, and these people invite you in like you're royalty... they have nothing, yet they want to share what they have with you.... it brings tears. The tears are coming to my eyes as I sit here remembering these sweet, generous people. I cannot even imagine living like they do. They have joy though, they have smiles. It is so amazing to see the poverty and the dirt, and yet see them smiling and welcoming you into their home.
I had something to give... that is also why I cut my hair in June. Sure, I was going to Nicaragua (and then to be a counselor at camp) and didn't want to deal with the length of my hair in the extreme heat and humidity... that is why I cut it when I did. But I figured somebody else needed it more than I did. It was something I could give.
I really, really encourage you to check out the video I included the link for. It is just a short clip of what is an exceptional video. Let God speak to your heart through it... please.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
I first learned this song from Todd Proctor... (our worship leader at Brethren National Youth Conference since 2001). It is a beautiful cry to God to work in our hearts and lives, and all around us. "Awaken our spirits to awe who You are..." I have always loved that line. The whole song, really, but something about that line just catches something inside me and it makes the whole song perfect.
Right now I am listening to Chris Tomlin's latest cd, "See the Morning"... I've had it for over a month now, since I got a pre-release edition from his street team. I love the honesty in each of his songs. They are so real, and that is exactly what they need to be. God knows our hearts. He knows what we cannot find the words to say. He knows whether or not our hearts are truly worshipping Him.
Awaken our spirits to awe who You are, God. So that we cannot even find the words we need but instead just cry out to You in our hearts.
Monday, October 16, 2006
"stars would fall..."
"have i told you lately
how much i think about you
the way you laugh, the way you love
the way i feel around you
the stars would fall for you
and i would die for you
have i told you lately
how much i dream about you
the way your eyes dance in the sun
the way the heavens wrap around you
and i would walk the world
to prove that i am yours
you're my angel, you're my queen
and i will give you everything
i'm crazy, i'm crazy
i've been around the world to see
that you're the only girl for me
i'm crazy, for you i'm crazy
have i told you lately
how much you mean to me
every word from your mouth
is like a drop of honey
the stars would fall for you
and i would die for you
i can barely breathe when i'm without you
i honestly believe i might die without you
you're the rhythm that my heart beats to
and i'll do anything because i love you
girl i love you"
~ "stars would fall (i'm crazy)"... monk & neagle
It is such a tenderly written song, so full of love. That is what I want... not someone to write a song for me like this, but if I eventually ever get married, I want to be so in love like in this song. To have a guy choose to love me like these guys love their wives, the way they have described in their sweet song, is true Love. To have him singing this song in his heart is so beautiful. The simplicity of it... the honesty of it...
Maybe it sounds selfish of me to say that I would want this... but I really don't think so. True Love is unselfish, and I would want to be Loved unselfishly like Monk & Neagle describe in this song. I would want to Love unselfishly also. They sing that they would do anything for their wives, and really, I think that is the way it should be. There needs to be a mutual Love like this. Like doing anything to help the other person be more of who God wants them to be. I don't want everything, I don't want somebody to give me everything... but it is the heart attitude of that that needs to be present. It is so crucial. I think one reason why so many marriages end these days is that people are so selfish.
Someday I want to hear Monk & Neagle sing this song live....
I put this on here today, not because I am aching for a "boyfriend" ~ because I'm not. But I wanted to share this song that I love, as well as my desire that "when I fall in love, it will be forever"... as Nat King Cole sings. :) "Love" is so superficial in the eyes of the world today... but that is not really Love. True Love is a choice. It is choosing to Love, even when the feeling might not be there.
Snow White sings "someday my prince will come..." For me? Maybe.. We'll see what God has planned. If it is not forever though, then it is not at all. I know that much.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
real Christianity...
What do I say??
He had already said that he grew up in a Methodist church in his town. I ended up asking him how he got into wicca, what made him interested in it. Not just out of politeness. I really wanted to find out what on earth would make somebody turn from what they'd grown up with ~ a Methodist church, in this case ~ and go into wicca. I wanted to get a little bit of a glimpse into his mindset as to why he would even want to do this.
So we talked...
Guess what I found out.. He said most of the people in his church went there because that is just what you do on Sundays. Sunday rolls around and you go to church. He said, sure, there were some people who really meant it, and they were there a lot more and everything, but most of the people just came because going to church is what you do on Sunday. It was a routine. It was fake. I asked him, just to be sure that is what he meant.
In about 7th or 8th grade, this guy went through a major rebellion. He was miserable, and he made everybody he came in contact with miserable as well. He told me about this one night when he was in his room and he honestly debated on killing himself. He said he had a choice: "suicide or not," as he put it. He chose "not," and he said that with the choice he made came the necessity for something to change.
What he told me is pretty much that he researched a lot of religions and chose the one that he agreed with the most.
My point in telling this story is that we are in need of a change in such a major way. We are turning people off with our hypocrisy as a church. We cannot be fake. We can't be into the ritualistic church-going or rule-following.
Real Christianity is not religion. It is having a relationship with our Creator. I know that is said so much it sounds cliched, but that does not make it any less true.
When I think of religion, I think of the Pharisees in the Bible. They knew all the rules and put the emphasis on that rather than on loving and following Jesus. They were legalistic in what they did.
Hypocrisy is not attractive.
Do you know the song "My Jesus" by Todd Agnew?
"which Jesus do you follow?
which Jesus do you serve?
if ephesians says to imitate Christ
then why do you look so much like the world?
'cause my Jesus bled and died
He spent His time with thieves and liars
He loved the poor and accosted the arrogant
so which one do you want to be?
blessed are the poor in spirit --
or do we pray to be blessed with the wealth of this land
blessed are they that hunger and thirst for righteousness --
or do we ache for another taste of this world of shifting sand
'cause my Jesus bled and died for my sins
He spent His time with thieves and sluts and liars
He loved the poor and accosted the rich
so which one do you want to be?
who is this that you follow
this picture of the american dream
if Jesus was here would you walk right by on the other side --
or fall down and worship at His holy feet
pretty blue eyes and curly brown and a clear complexion
is how you see Him as He dies for your sins
but the Word says He was battered and scarred --
or did you miss that part?
sometimes i doubt we'd recognize Him
'cause my Jesus bled and died
He spent His time with thieves and the least of these
He loved the poor and accosted the comfortable
so which one do you want to be?
'cause my Jesus would never be accepted in my church
the blood and dirt on His feet might stain the carpet
but He reaches for the hurting and despises the proud
i think He'd prefer beale street to the stained glass crowd
and i know that He can hear me if i cry out loud
i want to be like my Jesus
not a posterchild for american prosperity
but like my Jesus
you see i'm tired of living for success and popularity
i want to be like my Jesus but i'm not sure what that means
to be like You Jesus
'cause You said to live like You, love like You
but then You died for me
can i be like You Jesus?
i want to be like my Jesus"
"Be imitators of God, therefore,
as dearly loved children and live a life of love,
just as Christ loved us
and gave himself up for us
as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."
- Ephesians 5:1-2
And... pray for me, please, as I continue to work with this guy I was talking with. Pray that I will be open to whatever God leads me to say to him and that I will listen and obey.
"Devote yourselves to prayer,
being watchful and thankful.
And pray for us, too,
that God may open a door for our message,
so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ,
for which I am in chains.
Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.
Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders;
make the most of every opportunity.
Let your conversation be always full of grace,
seasoned with salt,
so that you may know how to answer everyone."
- Colossians 4:2-6
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
when our ways are pleasing to God...
I ran across this verse recently as I was reading my Bible, and it really caught my attention. I guess I always think of the verse in 2 Chronicles that talks about God healing a land when the people turn to Him, but although I'd read this verse in Proverbs before... it wasn't one that I remembered all that well.
When we live our lives in a way that is pleasing to God... when we obey Him and are God-conscious in whatever we do... then He is going to make even our enemies live at peace with us. An example that comes to my mind is Loving our enemies, and not repaying anyone evil for evil. (see Matthew 5 and Romans 12...) When we Love others as Christ has Loved us, and when we put others above ourselves, that is such a great example, and it reflecting Jesus to all we come in contact with. If we live so as to obey God, then people are going to notice, including our enemies, and we can have a good influence and impact in this way.
At the same time, I think this verse in Proverbs is written in such a way that we can look at it and say that... if we are living to please God, then He is going to bless that. He will bless us with living in peace with our enemies.
In reading this... I thought of how opposite it seems to be of America. And yet, it makes sense. It follows these verses perfectly. America as a whole is not a country that is living so as to obey God. So why then would we be living at peace?? Until our country becomes humble and turns to God... it is not going to get any better. We can look and read that straight from the Bible.
Keep on praying for our country, and for our leaders. It is so crucial.
Friday, October 06, 2006
what Love is...
As for her divorcing three times... that breaks my heart too. I am a huge believer that Love is a choice, not a feeling, and when we treat it like a feeling... that is where the problems begin. Love is patient and kind, it is selfless and humble, it doesn't envy... Love gives generously and puts others first.
"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." (1 Corinthians 13)
Love forgives, protects, trusts...
There is no greater Love than to lay down your life for a friend. (John 15:13)
I cannot ~ and quite honestly, I don't want to ~ imagine life without Love. I have found the greatest Love ever in Jesus, and to fall in Love with Him is the best thing that anybody could ever do. It changes your life all around...
Through learning more of this girl's story, I am being given an opportunity, and I have a choice of what I am going to do with this opportunity. I have the opportunity to continue to get to know her better and to show her God's Love... teach her what it is like through the way I live my life. My choice is whether or not I will take advantage of the opportunity to share His Love with her. I so want to. I am praying for God's wisdom to know what to say to her and when to say it. We had a really good conversation today. And you know, she's ten years older than me, but we talk all the time at work, and I really enjoy talking with her. I believe God has given me this opportunity to befriend her so that, although she's that much older than me, I can teach her through what God has done and continues to do in my own life. I can be an example of God's Love for us all in my words, actions, friendships, etc. I am so excited about it all, as the semester goes on.
"Love's done something"... in my life, and I have this need to share it. We all have this need. Sometimes we just choose to ignore and silence it.
Pray for me, please, as I have this opportunity. I choose to take hold of it and go for it.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
let the little children come...

Megan and I were standing by the door last Wednesday, watching the lightning and listening to the thunder. We were talking about the storm, and she was talking about as fast as she could. She is so hilarious, the way she talks so animatedly. :) She is sweet too. And then we started talking about her dogs...Megan is crazy about dogs, but she only has her stuffed animal dogs right now because of where they live in town; it isn't a good place to have a dog since they live on the main road through town. Anyway, we were talking about her dogs, and then Megan told me "When my daddy was a little girl, he had a dog named Jack." She was so serious. :) She is such a fun little girl.
Megan is in my 2-year-old class... at MOPS, and when I fill in for Sunday school teachers.
Anyway, I guess all of that had nothing to do with anything, but I had to share it. Just one of those little fun things... I have lots of stories of the kids Megan's age. :)
Like when I told Reagan I liked her shoes, that they were really cute, and she said, "Thanks. I got them at Target," so grown-up-like. :)
Or when Jenna got a lollipop stuck in her hair and she cried... not because it was stuck in her hair, but because she wanted to eat it and couldn't because it was on the back of her head.
Or when Aubrey's mom came to pick her up and Aubrey immediately exclaimed, "I had fun, Mommy!"
Or when we talked about Moses and the burning bush at MOPS one Tuesday and then I was in with the 2-year-olds for Sunday school the following weekend and our burning bush poster was still up on the wall; we were supposed to be talking about John the Baptist for our Sunday school lesson that day, but when the kids began telling me all about Moses and the bush, we went with Moses for our lesson instead. Why not go with what their attention was already on? I loved how they answered all my questions and pretty much told me what happened with Moses at the burning bush. I know a lot of Sunday school teachers who would have tried to get their attention switched over to John the Baptist for the lesson... and I'm not saying that is wrong and what I did was right. But I chose to just go with Moses over John. I wanted to make the most of their memories from MOPS about the burning bush, and I wanted to encourage them to listen, remember, and retell the lessons.
So yeah, I have lots of stories about the young kids. (Lots about some of the older ones too!) They are so sweet, and so good. And so fun. :)
see the beauty...

I am not really one to like getting up early in the morning... But I have to be at work at 8:00 on two mornings each week, and 9:00 on my other two mornings each week, so I have this opportunity to watch the sun rise as I drive to from my home to Piqua. Yes, that means I am getting up when it is dark outside... I'll live though. :)
The other day on the way to work/school, I watched the sun coming up, and I got to see these clouds in front of the sun... they made dull orange stripes across the sun's bright yellow-orange glow, and it just struck me how beautiful it was. I thought about how God never grows tired of creating these stripes across the the sun, He never gets bored with making a flower bloom, and He always loves making each snowflake. I love that.
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end." ~ Ecclesiastes 3:11
(This is a photo that I took last winter of the cattails in our yard.)