Tuesday, October 17, 2006


"salvation spring up from the ground
Lord, rend the heavens and come down
seek the lost and heal the lame
Jesus bring glory to Your name
let all the prodigals run home
all of creation waits and groans
Lord, we've heard of Your great fame
Father, cause all to shout Your name
stir up our hearts, oh God
awaken our spirits to awe who You are
put a cry in us
so deep inside that we cannot find
the words we need
we just weep and cry out to You..."
~ "salvation"... chris tomlin

I first learned this song from Todd Proctor... (our worship leader at Brethren National Youth Conference since 2001). It is a beautiful cry to God to work in our hearts and lives, and all around us. "Awaken our spirits to awe who You are..." I have always loved that line. The whole song, really, but something about that line just catches something inside me and it makes the whole song perfect.

Right now I am listening to Chris Tomlin's latest cd, "See the Morning"... I've had it for over a month now, since I got a pre-release edition from his street team. I love the honesty in each of his songs. They are so real, and that is exactly what they need to be. God knows our hearts. He knows what we cannot find the words to say. He knows whether or not our hearts are truly worshipping Him.

Awaken our spirits to awe who You are, God. So that we cannot even find the words we need but instead just cry out to You in our hearts.

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