Tuesday, September 26, 2006

this is where i see You... part 2

This is where I see You...

One of my camp girls from my cabin in July called me the other night, and it was the highlight of my day... or maybe the highlight of my whole weekend. :) I'd gotten a couple of letters from Julie, but we hadn't actually talked since July, so it had been a while. We talked about everything random... from school to staying up late to camp to whatever came to mind. I saw Him in that opportunity to talk with Julie. It was so fun to pick up the phone and recognize her voice before she even told me who she was.

I saw Him in our "Fishers of Men" sing-along last week. How many people would be embarrassed to sing a "little-kid song" like that? Hey, it was fun, and I think the pre-schoolers loved it that everybody else knew their song and sang it along with them. :)

I see Him in the beauty of His creation. I love when the seasons change and I get to see the leaves turn colors and fall from the trees. I love to watch the snow fall, and to look at the intricately beautiful design of each one. I love the smell of spring and the newness of the world... and I love the energy of summer.

It is so great to watch the ways God loves to show us Himself. It is often in the smallest things... maybe the things it is so easy to miss. But I think that so often it is those very small and seemingly unsignificant things that turn out to be the most important and significant. They are the things that teach me the most and that humble me the most.

Look at how God Loves us... see how lovely His creation is, and how much more He loves us than everything else we can see. His Love is so big... how can I even wrap my mind around it??

"how can i keep from singing Your praise
how can i ever say enough
how amazing is Your Love
how can i keep from shouting Your name
i know i am Loved by the King
and it makes my heart want to sing..."
~ "how can i keep from singing"... by chris tomlin

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